WordPress - Creative Zodiac - Portfolio & Blog Wordpress Theme | ThemeForest
Creative Zodiac Portfolio & Blog Wordpress Theme Portfolio Creative his title this type of WordPress/Creative/Portfolio This time I will review,made by freshface, WordPress/Creative/Portfolio is sold at a price of $40 in themeforest.Created | 22 March 10 |
Last Update | 10 July 12 |
Columns | 1 |
Compatible Browsers | IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Software Version | WordPress 3.3 |
Documentation | Well Documented |
High Resolution | No |
Layout | Fixed |
ThemeForest Files Included | Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files, PHP Files |
Widget Ready | No |
Creative Zodiac is a WordPress theme preloaded with JQuery. This is the only one fully JQuery powered Wordpress theme on Theme Forest and probably on the whole internet too. It’s not just a simple minisite, it’s a fullblown Wordpress experience with all the bells and whistles. Please take your time and explore every corner of this theme because it’s really filled up with unexpected features. I would even call it as my master-piece because I really tried to do my best here.
Creative Zodiac is mainly a Portfolio and Blog theme. It’s suitable for all creatives and bloggers out there, but I can also imagine it as a stylish virtual business card. The possibilities are endless, it all depends on your imagination and interest. Plus the whole theme is so simple and easy to use thanks to extensive theme options panel and custom write panels which makes everything quick and breeze!
Now let’s cut to the chase and sum up what it’s all about.
General Features
- This is really good for increasing page views (for like 100% and even more) and improving overall user experience
- Support Back and Forward buttons on your mouse with animations (feel free to try it yourself right now!)
- Support Mouse Wheel for the Scrollbars:
- Scrollbars – are automatically added if your content in blog posts or pages is bigger than the height of the main container. No kidding, it just automatically pops up when and where you need it.
- Unlimited number of Galleries / Porfolio pages
- Unlimited number of Pages
- Unlimited number of Blogs and blog posts
- Unlimited number of Comments
- Search (again with no page reloading as promised)
- Full support for URL linking (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/blog/01-my-blog-post/) so you can tweet your latest blog posts with direct link!!
- Revolutionary and yet so simple Contact form with awesome field validation (see for yourself)
- Extensive Theme Options Panel
- Click here for the screenshot of Zodiac’s really amazing and complex Theme Options panel
- You can edit literally every piece of text – great if you want to translate everything to your language
- Intro page with 3 link-boxes
- Can be completely disabled in Theme Options Panel, so the user can land on a page, gallery or blog directly. You just choose which one you want and it’s set.
- Images of those introboxes can be easily edited in one really simple and ready PSD file without any clutter around. Here is a that PSD saved as PNG file, ready to use on live website (link)
- Many “small” PSD files for almost every “piece” of design and 1 big PSD file with the whole site. We both know that this is very handy.
- Well documented – HD video screencast on how to setup everything
- Amazingly light and sleek new lightbox (officially called “colorbox”)
- Pre-installed TimThumb PHP script for dynamic image resizing
- Just upload one big picture and you are done! This scipt will automatically resize the picture and use it thoughout the theme.
- Don’t like automatic resizing? I got you covered. When writing a post, you can manually resize and upload 3 sizes of your image (small, medium and large) and fill the URLs into custom Write Panel.
Page Templates
- Standard full-width page template with poping up scrollbar if the content is bigger then the height of it’s container
- Blog template with poping up scrollbar if the content is bigger then the height of it’s container
- Gallery/Portfolio template
- Contact page template
Blog Features
- Article
- Category
- Date
- Title
- Thumbnail with lightbox fullsize image upon clicking (can be disabled)
- Comments
- Unlimited number of comments
- It’s almost impossible to hack the new JS commenting system by general spam bots!
- Sleek form for adding comments with magnificent field validation – you have to try it.
- Gallery
- Every blog post can have it’s own gallery.
- For instance imagine you were at the party, took some bling bling photos and you want to attach them to a blog post and share them with others. Or you just finished a project and have some screenshots to share? Quite handy huh? And pretty easy to use, just fill the URLs of your images into the Custom Write Panel when you are writing a blog post and you are set!
- Share
- Built-In sharing which can be more customized in Theme Options Panel
- Your visitors will be automatically one click away from sharing your posts with the world via famous services like Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and much more
- Search
- Blog comes also with it’s own search panel with beautifully designed search results.
- Turn ON and OFF some or all effects and sub-effects of animations to your liking or for a better performance. See Theme Options screenshot here (link)
- Disable the intro page with 3 link-boxes and then set any page you want as your homepage
- You can also set the pages where those link-boxes should link after clicking
- VCard function in the upper right corner
- Can be completelly disabled or enabled
- Text “Download my Vcard” can be of course edited via Theme options panel
- Don’t like the icon? change it in /gfx/vcard.png or in photoshop with /gfx/vcard.psd
- Think the body text size or line-height are too big or too small? Just adjust this line in style.css file:
body {font-size:99px;} to change the general font-size
or this line:body {line-height:99px;} to change the general line-height
- By doing this, the theme won’t break! Sizes and line-heights for things like navigation, buttons etc. remains still same because they are fixed in other css classes, it’s that easy.
- Literally every piece of text can be changed via Theme Options panel like buttons, description for icons in the blog, contact form steps etc., simply everything
- Due to a javascript loading nature of this theme, plugins, widgets and different permalink structures other than / post_id - postname / are not supported.
- If you are struggling with something or you have an issue or you want to report a bug, please let me know. In 90% of all cases, I will need your wp-login, so it’s better to send me an direct email via my profile page with your wp-login, site URL and detailed description of your issue. I don’t provide personal support in comments. It’s hard to keep track with it (gmail thread mailing is much better for me) and I usually need the mentioned wp-login to have a better look on what’s going on there. Support is completely voluntary for Theme Forest authors, but I like to help my customers if they are nice and want me to help them with something. Please note that I will also try to build up a FAQ section here on TF item page, so please read the FAQ before asking a question. I may skip an email or comment if you will ask on something that is already explained in a FAQ section.
- Click here to read the FAQ
- Icons available in the download package
- Magnifier, Magic and Contact icons by Oliver Scholtz (website)
- Vcard icon by Oliver Twardowski (website)
- Social icons by IconDock (website)(license)
- Images for Live Preview
- 2010 by Tim Vanhaeren (website)
- Activity Monitor by Gordon Irving (website)
- After School by Tim Vanhaeren (website)
- Aircraft by Hrvoje Bielen (website)(DA profile)
- Billiardo by Mhmood Zaidan (website)
- Book by Ncrow (website)
- Boombox by Pedja Rusic (website)
- Cup of Faith by Mhmood Zaidan (website)
- Engine by Hrvoje Bielen (website)(DA profile)
- Espresso by Iiro Jappinen (website)
- Find by Parthiban Mohanraj (website)
- Choklad by IconBlock (website)
- Mustang by Stevo Arnold(website)
- Onyx Leopardized by Parthiban Mohanraj (website)
- Safari by Parthiban Mohanraj (website)
- Girl by Saintdsign (website)
- Shirt and Tie by Gordon Irving (website)
- Snitch by Iiro Jappinen (website)
- Glasses by Hrvoje Bielen (website)(DA profile)
- Umbrella by Ncrow (website)
- Video by Parthiban Mohanraj (website)
- Videorama by IconBlock (website)
- Violet Light by Alexander Loginov (website)
- Wayfarer by Alexander Loginov (website)
- Scripts and plugins
- Easing by George McGinley Smith (website)
- TimThumb by Darren Hoyt (website)
- CSS browser selector by Rafael Lima (website)
- Colorbox by Jack Moore (website)
- LiveQuery by Brandon Aaron (website)
- Mousewheel by Brandon Aaron (website)
- Cufón by Simo Kinnunen (website)
- Preload by Ariel Flesler (website)
- jScrollPane by Kelvin Luck (website)
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